Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Proud Son

I am proud of my dad...now that is not a phrase you hear often. Most of the time, healthy pride is funneled from the father to the son. I'm really proud of him...that son of mine. But how many men can say, "I'm really proud of my dad."

Tonight, my dad journeyed with me to our men's gathering that we have here in Birmingham. It is always hard to describe what this weekly gathering is about. Words are not able to provide proper description. So, I said, "Dad why don't you come with me?" I wanted him to experience the raw, biblical community of men....the brotherhood. He came and he experienced. He opened his heart and story to these men. He entrusted his brokenness to other broken men. He journeyed into his strength and explored more of his voice. He showed up instead of checking out (like many fathers do). He was present.

That is huge. My dad recently retired from 30+ years in the assignment of pastoring local churches. His calling to introduce people to grace and walk with them in the grace-journey was expressed in that vocation for many years. Now, at the ripe age of 66, he has semi-retired and is entering new assignments. The calling is still intact...to be a guide in the grace journey. Tonight, he expressed that calling once again. He invited others into his story...the grace story. And the men responded...they feasted on what God is doing in his life.

So, I am one proud son. Proud of my father. Proud of him for...
*not having all the answers...but inviting me and other men in.
*showing up and sharing with openness and honesty.
*allowing his brokenness to not be hidden, but celebrated as the pathway toward healing.
*owning his story and walking in that strength.
*celebrating his son's journey and calling.
*slowing down enough to enjoy and rest...not having to get on to the next thing (like many men)
*trusting instead of arranging.
*embodying this beautiful role we call DAD.

Dad, I am proud of you.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Peaced Together...The Belt of Truth

"And Jonathan made a solemn pact with David, because he loved him as he loved himself. Jonathan sealed the pact by taking off his robe and giving it to David, together with his tunic, sword, bow, and belt." 1 Samuel 18:3-4

Due to our cultural "forgetfulness", we have no real understanding of the item called a "belt". We typically think of the belt as securing our clothing (keeping our pants up), carrying something like a toolchest, or moving materials (like in a factory). But these are all industrialized versions of what the original belt was created for: BATTLE.

Jonathan gives to David, his dear friend and ally, a belt: a chagowr in Hebrew. This was quite a gift because it was no normal belt. The word was commonly used to describe an expensive girdle, a battle belt (see 2 Sam. 18:11, same word used in Hebrew). When a warrior prepared to enter battle, he would most certainly be wearing a belt. It would bring protection to the warrior while holding the valuable weapon: the sword. So, Jonathan sealed his pact with David by giving him his battle gear. He knew that David was about to enter deep warfare with the Enemy who would use King Saul and others to bring him down.

So, maybe we should use the term put on the BATTLE BELT OF TRUTH to better understand. Paul says in Ephesians 6 to put on the armor of God to stand against the enemy. The life we are called to live is no "walk in the garden". We are at war. There is an enemy, Satan and his demonic forces, whose sole desire is to diminish and destroy the glory of God...in YOU. Brother and sister in Christ...you bear the image/glory of God in your life. You are an image-bearer. God's glory mark has been placed on you and in you. You are spoken for and redeemed. You are now a warrior in God's army.

So, will you join me in putting on the armor? The battle belt is needed. Truth must be taken into battle if we are to have victory. Jesus said, "I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life." When you put on the battle belt of truth...you put on Jesus. We take Jesus into battle. So, today when the lies of Satan come against us...and they will...we wear the belt of truth. The only way to battle lies is through verbally confessing truth. Our mouth needs to confess and profess truth.

So, today, join me in the battle for our own hearts and the hearts of others. Let's put on the battle belt of truth.

As my fellow warriors in the movie Braveheart say, "It's time to pick a fight!!!"

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Peaced Together...The Armor (Intro)

Ephesians 6:10-12
"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Dear friends...there is a battle going on...right now as I type...right now as you read. This great battle has been going on for centuries and continues to this very moment. It is imperative as believers that we understand this...we are at war. Though our hearts are spoken for and salvation has been secured in Jesus Christ...the battle is not over. The enemy, Satan, and all of his emissaries are working together to steal, kill, and destroy your heart, your desires, and your future.

Why is it that so many Christians live as if there is no war? Why do I tend to forget and just go through the motions of life without realizing that something greater is at stake? Why is the armor left hanging in the closets of so many Christians every day...like a nice, starched shirt hanging in a dry-cleaning bag...waiting for some event/opportunity to arise?

So, the next few blogs will be reflections on being peaced together...reflecting on each piece of the armor. I would invite you to pray on the armor with me daily. I have to admit that the image of battle has radically changed the way that I do life, the way that I pray, the way that I live. I must pray on the armor each day because of what is at stake.

Some initial reflections on Ephesians 6:10-12...
^v.11..."full armor" "devil's schemes"
Paul says this several times. So, we must choose to embrace and put on the whole armor. Every piece is needed to stand against the devil's schemes. This means that our enemy, the devil, is not just standing by idle waiting on us to fall or fumble. Satan is planning our defeat. He knows our weaknesses and tendencies. He sees our track record of sin and he wishes to capitalize on it. Please hear me...there is actually someone who DOES NOT want you to succeed. There is someone who wants to scheme and maneuver to TAKE YOU OUT. Cause a little anger in you? I hope so...we should have a righteous/holy anger toward the devil. The anger should lead us to daily put on our battle armor.

^v.12..."struggle is not against flesh and blood"
We tend to battle against what is visible...our spouse, our job, our finances, our illness, etc. What is visible tends to take our energy and overwhelm us. So, we say things like, "If I could just get my spouse to change", "If I just had more money", "If I had a different job, then I'd...", "I just can't seem to get beyond this". Your spouse is not the enemy. Your boss is not the enemy. Your life circumstances are not your enemy. Though all of these "feel" like it. The real battle is taking place in the "heavenly realms" against the "spiritual forces of evil". Some of this is hard to understand...but I think Paul is saying, "get some perspective on the big picture/the larger story". Don't get so caught up in the visible circumstances/relationships that you lose sight of the greater battle that is happening. By grounding ourselves in the spiritual realm, we are able to be more "present" in the visible circumstances/relationships of life.

Let's do battle...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Birthdays and Blankets

How do we invite our children into the larger story? Well, what exactly is the larger story of life. We are broken/messed up people. God is the Hero of our stories and steps in to redeem our hearts and lives. He does what we are not able to do through Jesus, His Son. We then enter a daily battle to live in freedom and co-author our stories with God. We are given the privilege to pen our days under the banner of God's authority.

So, how we do help our children to see brokenness, redemption, battle, and authority? Wow, that is quite a question to wrestle with. Melody and I have been wrestling with this for a while. Seeking to live this life before them and invite them to join us. What does it mean to live this life together...as a family. What does it look like to be a family that is dangerous to the enemy and his desires?

Caleb turned 5 last April and Brennan turned 2 in June. Because we were in transition and moving, we were not able to have birthday parties for them. So, at the end of July we are having a brothers birthday bash (BBB). But instead of gifts, we are inviting our friends to bring money for blankets. Blankets for orphans in Lesotho, Africa. Though we are in hot, summer months here in the states...Africa is in the midst of winter season. The country of Lesotho, in south Africa, is a place that God has led Encounter Humanity (a branch of Encounter) to work. We are working with Aids orphans and local pastors to meet needs there. The big need right now...BLANKETS. The temps at night dip into the 20's and many children do not have heat, warmth, or blankets. For only $5, we can purchase a blanket for one child.

So, whatever money friends would spend on gifts, they can bring to buy blankets. Whatever we collect will be put toward bringing warmth to these children's lives. It does not seem like much but maybe we can help out a few lives and bring the warmth of God's grace to a child.

We talked with Caleb and lil' B about doing this and explained what we were thinking. We said, "You know we have lots of toys and stuff, don't we? Why don't we help some children out who don't have much. Why don't we ask our friends to bring money for buying blankets to help children in south Africa who are very cold right now. We will still have cake, play together, and have fun. " Brennan's response...all he heard was CAKE...so he's OK. Caleb's response...that sounds good, so i can still get presents next year, right?

The larger story...for our children to begin to see how God wants to use us to help others. For them to see their own brokenness...how selfish and greedy we can be. Our culture tends to feed this appetite, doesn't it? And to see God come through...providing for them and for the needs of others. As a parent, I must fight for the hearts of my children. As a dad, I have to take up the sword daily and battle for my children. The current of this world is strong and will draw them out into their deep waters. Ultimately, the enemy wants them...steal, kill, destroy. And he loves to use our Americanized, stuff-surrounding, greedy culture to do it. Be busy, have your stuff, retire, and die...that's the American dream. Instead, I choose to do battle.

Someone once referred to our children as jellyfish...unable to determine their direction but going with whatever current/flow they are placed in. Though the world's ways are strong, I choose to draw my children into the larger story. May they not be caught up in the smallness of stuff, toys, grasping, and arranging. May something simple like birthdays and blankets remind them of something greater going on...Someone greater who is at work.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

The Office

This past week, we spent some time in Florida helping my parents move. They have been pastoring in Plant City, Florida for the past 10 years and are now "semi-retiring" in Zephyrhills, Florida. It was great to help them get situated and transition to the new homeplace in the hills. I am so excited for them as they begin this new season of life.

This year celebrates 30 years of pastoring for my dad...Carl Hemphill. This is a man you need to know...a story to feast on. I am the youngest of 4 sons and the only son born to my dad as a believer...that is my claim to fame! My dad is a first generation follower of Jesus. No one in his family chose the life of faith and paved the way for him. In his early 30's God pursued this young prodigal and brought him home. It was shortly after that, I was born and my dad was called to ministry/shepherding. My parents' journey over the last 30 years has taken them to several churches and places of ministry. Through it all, they have been faithful to the call of shepherding people's hearts and loving God's bride, the church.

So, last week, I was in my dad's office helping him pack up books and load everything up. It was one of those weird moments for me. This office represented many years of ministry for my dad. This office also represented many childhood memories of me hanging out with my dad at the church. I used to love my dad's office. I would go there and look at his books and hang out. The smell of his cologne mixed with old Baptist dust/mildew would fill the air. His offices were never that glamourous...a simple chair, wooden desk, bookshelves, typewriter, and a few chairs. But I always enjoyed being there. It was one of the places that I could "be" with my dad and just enjoy his presence. As a young boy, that is so important...so needed...to feel and sense the presence/weight of your father.

So, packing up my dad's office was kind of weird. I did not say anything to my dad at the time...these thoughts were all just racing through my mind. But I was saying goodbye to some things. He was saying goodbye to some things. He chose a few books that he wanted to take to the new house. I was able to go through the libary and pick out several books that I wanted to read. Actually, it was not that. I picked out these books...to take him with me. I am sure that I will read through many of these books. A lot of them will sit on my shelf. These books, though, represent a piece of the journey. They remind me of the office...his presence...our relationship.

This may all be sounding a bit morbid to some...I mean my dad is still alive. But, all of this to say, last week I helped my dad close a chapter of his life. And I remembered a chapter of my life. And, through it all, God is still writing...taking up the pen...authoring new days in both of our journeys.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

last weekend...

Last weekend we experienced our first Living Room Marriage Encounter. Hard to find words to describe what took place. Stories were shared. Hearts were mended. Battlelines were drawn. There was a movement from unaware to aware. In the awareness, intimacy and connections were made in couples' lives. Awareness is a beautiful thing. It opens the eyes of our hearts and helps us to see what is backstage. Most of what we see in married couples is their "stage presence". Go to church, have a cookout, go golfing, meet at the park...the actors show up and the stage is set. We go through the motions and play the role. This weekend we moved backstage to see what was happening behind the curtain. Healing does not happen on the stage...it happens when we get behind the curtain...behind the veil. This weekend it happened. When Jesus died, scripture says that the veil in the temple was torn in two...providing direct access to the Father, to healing, and to restoration. Most of us, though, live as if the veil has been sown back together. Instead of entering in...we busy ourselves and remain outside. All the while, Jesus is waiting to set captives free, restore the brokenhearted, and release the oppressed (see Luke 4). This weekend we entered in...we got behind the veil and experienced healing and restoration.

For me personally, this weekend reminded me of why God has called us to this. The glory of God is revealed and shown to the world through a heart alive and restored. The glory of God is revealed through a marriage that is alive and growing. This weekend was not about an agenda as much as the Spirit's leading. It was not about formulas or steps...it was about following the path into our hearts to meet Jesus there. It was not about "getting it right" as much as realizing why we keep "getting it wrong". It was about unearthing our core fears and desires. It was honest. It was real. It was powerful.

Thanks for praying for us and the couples who experienced the weekend. Your prayers were vital to what happened. You helped us battle for hearts and marriages. Thank you for being allies in this very important journey of setting hearts free. Until our next Encounter...