Just emailed this out to our Allies...friends and fellow warriors who partner with us in ministry. Thought I would put it on the blog also...
Wanted to take a moment and share a few things for your heart. Many of the emails that we send are focused on updates and the need for your prayers. And your prayers are vital. I don't just say that because it seems like the "right thing to say". I really mean it. Last weekend, while ministering to some students at a camp, I felt your prayers and support. It was intense and there was plenty of warfare over these kids' hearts. And God was victorious...you played a vital role in that.
For today, though, the subject of "tending to the garden of your heart" is really hitting me. Most of this comes out of my own journey. We have been going at a steady pace since the launch of LIFE on March 1, 2010. A lot of work went into laying the foundation for the new ministry. We have seen many rise up to help serve and lead. Looking back, we are pretty amazed at how much work was involved in the start-up phase. In many ways, we are still in that season of start-up. So, with summer approaching, Melody and I have talked about the need to take care of our own hearts. To take some extended time to be with God and each other. We are planning some down time in July. Time with our boys and time as a couple. This will be time that we protect and choose to not be "ON" as ministers.
In thinking on the summer and caring for our hearts...a few thoughts that may resonate with you...
1. We cannot give what we don't have. I am reminded that I have to take care of my own heart. My personal walk with God, my marriage, my family...these have to be priority in my life. How can I lead others toward freedom when I am not pursuing this for myself?
2. Choosing to be "OFF" reminds me of my dependence to being "ON". Finding worth in what I do is so tempting. We often define a person by asking, "So what do you do?" Our culture is built on being "ON" in our jobs and churches. So much so, that we become dependent on this Nascar-pace of life. You could call it a doing-addiction. Choosing to be "OFF" helps me deal with my own dependencies and just be still. How are you doing at being "OFF"?
3. "Solitude is the furnace for transformation." Henri Nouwen said this and it really speaks to the need for extended time with God. As a minister, I can easily place ministry above relationship with God...sounds weird, but is very true. God does not desire what I can do for Him...He wants my heart. I can offer ALL of me when I am setting aside extended time with God. This is the only thing that will transform and refresh my soul. How's the solitude thing been working for you?
4. Have some fun. Melody and I have talked about how much we need laughter in our lives. We do deal with some intense things as we walk with people...honestly, we would rather do that than anything else. Walking with broken people is our calling. But there are times that we need to laugh. Taking care of our own hearts means building in time for play and fun. The Christian life is not about a constant YOKE around our necks where we are working for God. Jesus gave a great invitation to find rest in Him. To enjoy and have fun with our Father...to really enjoy relationship with Him. Listen to Jesus in Matthew 11..."Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly."
Friends and allies...take care of your heart. Thanks for being you and for walking with us in this wild journey...