Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Is Anything too Hard for the Lord?

Randy's journal entry from today...

Genesis 17-18

vs. 12-14
"So she laughed silently to herself and said, "How could a worn-out woman like me enjoy such pleasure, especially when my master - my husband - is also so old?" Then the Lord said to Abraham, "Why did Sarah laugh? Why did she say, 'Can an old woman like me have a baby?' IS ANYTHING TOO HARD FOR THE LORD? I will return about this time next year, and Sarah will have a son."

God loves to work in the realm of the impossible. He loves to break through at the final hour. Satan, the enemy, enjoys working in the realm of what seems possible...what seems realistic. Faith, which connects us to God, is activated in the impossible. To have nothing that is defined by impossible in my life is to have no need for faith. The enemy's desire is to keep everything in my life within the realm of possibilities. To keep me within what I can figure out. To keep me in what I can arrange and manipulate. In our Western culture of planning ahead, cushioning against hardship, creating safety and security - we have arranged for life to be "possible". So we have planned ourselves out of needing God. Faith has been sidelined. There is no real need for it.

Then God steps in and calls us to do something impossible. It rattles us. It shakes us. It throws our plans and life into a tailspin. Suddenly, our plans and possibilities are thwarted. Securities are taken away. This doesn't feel right. This is not what I had planned. And we laugh - just like Sarah laughed. The laughter is a mix of fear and unbelief. You know, the dry laughter that seems disconnected and distorted. And God shows up with a question: Is anything too hard for the Lord? My laughter turns to mourning over my own distrust and disbelief. So, today, how will I answer this question. My life will answer this question with a resounding "yes" or "no". Can a 90 year old woman have a baby? Is anything too hard for the Lord? So, I choose today to walk in faith, to embrace the impossible. Instead of finding comfort in my self-made possibilities, I choose the life of faith. God, breakthrough in my life today.

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