Friday, February 1, 2008

Saddle Up

Sometimes being a dad completely unravels me. This morning, I was meeting with my dear brother and friend, Mark Hinson. Sidenote: Maybe you've heard of "tuesdays with Morrie" (recent book)...well I have "fridays with mark" (potential book). I shared with him a story from last night about Caleb and Brennan. I had the boys for what we call "daddy night" which usually involves extra sugar, games, lots of eating, and noise. It is a "let your hair down" kind of night.

Well, last night I was on the floor functioning as the "bronco" in a bull-riding contest. Sidenote: I was a much more energized "bull" in my 20's versus my 30's...can I get a witness? In the middle of this game, Caleb says "hold on, let me go get something." He runs to his room and then hollers for me to help him. He wants to get cowboy hats out of his closet for he and brennan. He plops one on his head and then smashes one down on brennan's head. And then he says, "let's be cowboys!!!"

Reflecting on that moment, this morning with Mark, brought me to tears. The innocent, wild adventures of boyhood. You actually believe you can be and do anything. Last night, the imagination led to cowboy adventures and riding the Daddy Bronco.

So, why the tears? At some point in a man's journey, that sense of adventure and innocence is lost. Your dreams of being a cowboy... ride off into the the demands and worries of this world set in. Something is lost. Something is forgotten.

Every man needs to grieve. Grieving is a form of matters. Most of us men are walking around piecing our lives together with jobs and hobbies while a little boy inside is crying to get out. But the tears have been buried within a shell of woundedness.

Men, let yourselves grieve. It is in grieving that we cry out to our Father God..."restore that sense of innocence and adventure...give me back my heart." Grieving, which is deeply connected to brokenness, leads us to be desperate for healing and restoration. Every man needs healing. Every man needs restoration.

Thank you, Caleb and Brennan, for reminding me that it is never too late to saddle up!!!!

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