Friday, August 1, 2008

update on publishing journey

still continuing on the publishing journey with the Psalms devotional book. we sent the book proposal to 15 publishers back in early june. i have heard form about half of them so far. so still waiting to hear from the others.

had a interesting phone call with one publisher a few weeks back. the lady was with a publisher and, though they had no need for the book right now, she wanted to talk with me about it. pretty cool phone call. she had a few thoughts on book title and some content suggestions. she thought that we were "on to something" with the book and the layout. so, this was a very encouraging call. she also gave my name to a guy who runs a publishing company that specializes in first-time authors and self-publishing.

the guy with that c0mpany called and we talked for a while. it sounds like a great setup. you can actually get your book published, though you maintain full rights to the book. they help with design, setup, and marketing of the book. so, it is kind of a middle ground between self-publishing and publishing. the route would involve about $4000 in upfront money. in the long run, this would be worth the money, because of the exposure and professional touch that comes to your book. needless to say, we don't have the money to do that.

so, for now, i feel led to do 2 things. continue to wait on God's timing and how He wants to do this. and second, i am going to pursue self-publishing on a smaller scale. so, that's the latest.

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