Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Highest Form of Prayer

Been thinking a lot recently about prayer. Why do we do it? What purpose does it serve? Does God need me to pray...what difference does it make? For some these are unsettling questions...they are for me too. But this wrestling that I'm going through is good but painful. I have been simply asking God, "Teach me to pray."

A word from someone who lived many years ago and struggled with the same issues. This a good reminder for me...

From Julian of Norwich who lived 1343 to 1413...sometimes the dead speak louder than those living...
"For the highest form of prayer is to the goodness of God."

"Just as our flesh is covered by clothing, and our blood is covered by our flesh, so are we, soul and body, covered and enclosed by the goodness of God. Yet, the clothing and the flesh will pass away, but the goodness of God will always remain and will remain closer to us than our own flesh.
God only desires that our soul cling to him with all of its strength, in particular, that it clings to his goodness. For of all the things our minds can think about God, it is thinking upon his goodness that pleases him most and brings the most profit to our soul.
For we are so preciously loved by God that we cannot even comprehend it. No created being can ever know how mkuch and how sweet and tenderly God loves them. It is only with the help of his grace that we are able to persevere in spiritual contemplation with endless wonder at his high, surpassing, immeasurable love which our Lord in his goodness has for us."

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