"So Moses told the people of Israel what the Lord had said, but they refused to listen anymore. They had become too discouraged by the brutality of their slavery." Exodus 6:9
Discouragement is such a tool of the enemy. Satan loves to use the "brutalities" of jobs and life circumstances to cause us to doubt and be discouraged. The discouragement typically leads to questioning what God has revealed.
I go back to Genesis 3, where serpent Satan comes to Adam and Eve. He begins to question what God had already revealed about the tree and its fruit. And he questions God's motives. The discouragement then works hand in hand with the doubts to cause sin. When sin enters the picture, which is Satan's forte, the result is hiddenness, shame, and guilt. For Satan...that is mission accomplished. (Let me just say...Satan, you are one sorry dude.)
In this passage in Exodus, God had already revealed to Moses and to His people that He would deliver them from slavery. But then Satan uses the brutality of slavery/jobs to breed discouragement and then doubt. Amazing how much our jobs can be a source of discouragement!
But then, it is interesting what God says...Exodus 7:3..."But I will make Pharoah's heart stubborn so I can multiply my miraculous signs and wonders in the land of Egypt." So, God increases the opportunity for job-brutality. He lets the enemy increase opportunity for discouragement and doubt. What?? Go figure...
Why does God sometimes do this?? Honestly, I think God loves story and drama...He loves breaking through to reveal His glory. That's it. Our God is a breakthrough God. He comes through for the purpose of multiplied glory...that others may know.
So, God wants to use the brutality of my circumstances/job today to further His glory. It may even get worse for a season. But breakthrough will come...promises will be fulfilled...His glory will be revealed.
Good stuff Randy. Keep it coming.