Monday, June 18, 2007

The Disturbing Drama

Exodus 10:20
"But the Lord hardened Pharoah's heart again, so he refused to let he people go."

Are there things about God and His ways that you don't understand? I sure hope so. If there isn't something disturbing about the ways of God then maybe we don't really know Him. I read in Exodus where God hardens Pharoah's heart in refusal to let the Israelites out of slavery. This is crazy. Here is God. Here is Moses. Here are the children in slavery. God desires to free the captive Israelites. He tells Moses to take a message to Pharoah: "Let my people go." And then what does God do...hardens Pharoah's heart. Not once or twice...several times. Go figure...

Why such drama? Why not let the people go...set up an evacuation plan, execute, and let's go. Why all the plagues? Why all the tragedy and drama? It is almost like the stage is being set, the plot is thickening, and characters are being set in motion. Why do things this way?? I just don't understand God. There are times when He makes sense. Seems to add up in my mind. But a lot of times there is this disturbing element about God. Plague after plague hit my life. I get a little reprieve and then another battle. I sometimes think "can't I just be in a normal storyline?" I just want a nice and easy story where everyone walks into the sunset and lives happily ever after. Well, actually, do i really want that? Kind of boring. Who is the hero of that story...that would be ME. No, that is not what I want.

As much as I don't understand God--I trust Him. With all of my heart and misunderstandings, I trust Him. I really do. He has come through and been the hero of my story too many times.

So, as much as I hate the plagues...I love the Hero!


  1. Having just returned from a mission trip to Honduras, where apparently nothing happens on an American time line and where change is the norm and where I WAS NOT IN CONTROL, it became increasingly comforting to trust God with the details. No good or bad luck, no karma, just abiding confidence that the Creator of it all was (and is) in charge...from the beginning. He already knew about my inconveniences and lack of control. And, I didn't die from it. In fact, peace increased over time. Ken Walden

  2. Thanks for sharing the good word Randy. Many thoughts & prayers from our home, to yours.

    2 Corinthians 10:3-4
    "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh, for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses."

  3. Great message-last paragragh says it all...trusting when we don't understand-when things are not going our way, or sometimes harder when everything is going our way and we think "we" are why...thank you Randy-you have a gift-thank you for sharing it.
