It is interesting to follow how we (believers/the church) try to make sub-points into the main point. We take an appetizer, a dessert, a side-dish and deliver it as the main course, the main dish. I don't think we intentionally do this. We don't set out to communicate a life that involves pouring into the fringes instead of the heart, the core.
But we do this? Don't we? Preachers, leaders,, the church. We try to fit the square peg called "good" into a round hole called "best". What is the point of the Christian life? What is the point of Jesus coming and giving his life? What does it mean to be a follower of Christ? A person on the way who is following The Way?
So, what's the point?
Is it...
*To build buildings that we call "the church", that's temporary and material.
*To reach the nations for the, important, but still a by-product.
*To protect God's, don't think He needs our flimsy, protective measures.
*To ascend to a set of truths/, seems void of heart.
*To live simple and free of, still a side-dish.
*To help the poor and, vital, but incomplete.
*To plant churches and multiply our, great thing, but not the point.
*To evangelize our cities and neighborhoods...another good try but still lacking.
*To create a safe place for broken, another appetizer.
*To teach the, so needed, but still not central or core.
So, what's the point? Each of the items above are good things, even great. In fact, I can name a church or organization that highlights that as the core, the main thing. There is a mission statement that matches the belief. Programming and budgeting then falls in line with the central purpose. And then a book gets written highlighting this as the "main thing". Many copies are sold and a new church-trend gets created. Typically, a personality is celebrated...a method is elevated.
Once again, these are wonderful things to include in the course called "Christianity". We would certainly want to include these on the syllabus...missions, evangelism, bible teaching, helping the poor, beliefs, worship, etc. I am convinced, though, if we make these the main thing, we build a faulty foundation. We feed people a snack instead of a meal. We give them something to sell their lives out for, only to realize that they were travelling on a side-road...great scenery, but not taking them to the right location.
What if the point, the main dish, the foundation, the core is to...walk with God. Sounds too simple, doesn't it? To learn the heart of our God and the rhythms of grace. To know God's heart on an intimate, personal level. What if that's the point? Everything flowing from this one, primary stream. Sure, there are tributaries. But what if everything flowed from this river...the waters of walking with God.
What if...with this in place...and our energy, time, programming, money, etc. pouring into this foundation...we trusted that the other things (listed above) would actually happen. Do we trust God to walk with His people and make these things happen? Do we trust that people walking with God will actually lead them to be on mission, help the poor, worship, disciple, study, etc.?
Just some random thoughts here...but I have a growing conviction about this. Certainly do not claim to have a corner market on this one. Wanting to grow and be a student. At the same time, I've been around the church-block a few times, even played on the playground with many believers. Through it all, I sense that we have moved away from what is elementary, what is core, what is foundational. I'm ready to spend my days feasting on the main course. The appetizers will come...plenty of side-dishes to nibble on. Desserts will arrive. But as for me, I desire to feast on what fills, what satisfies. I think that's the main point.
Preach it, Hempdaddy!!!! I love this post. Out of the heart of a true Christ lover/follower who knows the heart of the One they so desire to be like, will come all of the appetizers, desserts, etc. etc....naturally! They are a bi-product of true worship! Bring it!