Thursday, April 1, 2010

Discipline of Spiritual Direction

Teaching a class on wednesday nights at our church. The course is on the disciplines...learning to walk with God. Last night, we covered the discipline of spiritual direction. For those interested, see below for additional info...

“Guidance is the most RADICAL of the Disciplines because it goes to the heart of this matter of walking with God. Guidance means the glorious life of hearing God’s voice and obeying His word.”

The goal of guidance is not specific instructions about this or that matter but conformity to the image of Christ. Paul said, “Those whom he foreknew he predestined to be conformed to the image of his son” (Romans 8:28b).

We make such a mystery out of the matter of the will of God. The will of God is discovered as we become acquainted with God, learn His ways, and become His friend. As the friendship grows, as the conformity grows, we will know instinctively what actions would please Him, what decisions would be in accord with His way.

Some Key Passages…
*Proverbs 27:17…graphically pictures the growth that takes place in communitiy.
*Matthew 18:19-20…proclaims the assurance of divine presence and the power of divine guidance for believers gathered in Jesus’ name.
*Acts 2:1-4…recounts the commissioning of gathered believers in Pentecost. The entire book of Acts provides numerous models of divine guidance in the community of faith.
*1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1…provides guidelines for Christian freedom based on what will benefit others both inside and outside the community of faith.
*Galatians 6:1-10…teaches individual responsibility within the context of the shared life of Christian community.

Reasons that we should seek out spiritual direction…
*learning how to walk with God
*need to deal with an ongoing struggle/sin
*clarity on an important decision
*desire for freedom and life
*feel “stuck” in your life
*finding repeating patterns in behavior
*feel distant from God
*dried up on religion

Ways to practice Guidance this week…
Receiving Spiritual Direction/Guidance (being poured into)
-Requires brokenness and humility to seek this out
-Ask God to provide this person or show you this person
-Needs to be the same gender
-Needs to be someone who understands brokenness/healing and has submitted to the process him/herself
-Identify the core issues that you want to work through
-Set boundaries to when you will meet, how often, and for how long
-A key component is entering into wounds, breaking agreements, and ushering in healing

Giving Spiritual Direction/Guidance (pouring into others)
-Be careful not to rescue.
-Allow the law of sowing/reaping to happen.
-Be sure to keep your own heart in check.
-Do more listening than talking.
-The best spiritual direction involves asking more questions than giving answers. Allow and encourage the person to wrestle with God and their own issues.

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